Terms of Use

Please read carefully our terms of use related to our company’s services and website.

Terms of use

The terms of use of this website regulate its use by its visitors-users.
By visiting our website it means that you fully, completely and unconditionally accept the present terms of use of our website. In case that visitors-users disagree with the content of the terms, they must exit our company’s website and not use it.

The more specific terms of use, which may regulate specific services and functions of our company, take precedence over the general terms of use.

Modification of the terms of use can be made by our company at any time and after they are posted on our website, the modified terms will apply.

Content of our website and information

Our company under the name Achilleas Kalyviotis and Associates IKE, with the distinctive title Electronic Credit (ecredit) maintains this website (www.ecredit.gr) to inform its visitors-users about the purpose of our company and the services it provides , trying at the same time that all the content of this website is governed by accuracy, clarity, completeness, guarantee and correctness. For the accuracy, clarity, completeness, guarantee and correctness of the information provided and which do not exclusively concern the purpose and operation of our company, but concern the operation of other entities (public or private) and which information comes from informing these entities to third parties (including our company), our company bears absolutely no responsibility towards any visitor and user of this website, even in case of negligence. The above information that does not concern the purpose and operation of our company comes from as reliable sources as possible, which are accessible to the public and are mentioned here exclusively for information purposes and in any case visitors and users should not be content with them , but they should confirm these and request further information from the competent institutions. Our company does not have any opinion on this information, it does not concern its opinions, it does not urge or advise the visitors-users to take any action. We explicitly state that our company is not responsible for any kind of damage caused to visitors and users by the use of any information contained on this website, even in the case of this negligence. Visitors and users must evaluate the content of each information themselves and bear the responsibility for any action they take based on this information, while our company is not obliged under any circumstances and for any reason to cover or repair damages that will suffered by anyone from the use of the information provided through this website.

Obligations of visitors and users

As visitors, you have the possibility to use this website and at the same time you have the obligation to use it exclusively for legal purposes, in accordance with the rules of Greek, European and international laws, the legislation governing telecommunications and always acting in good faith and according to good manners. The use of our website must not be done in an abusive and unfair manner both towards our company and towards any third party. You also have the obligation not to act that could damage the operation of our website in any way, not to change, alter, copy its content as well as not to prevent in any way the use of our website by any third party. You will be solely responsible for any damage that our company suffers due to your actions or omissions that violate your obligations under these terms of use or the law. In the event that our company becomes involved in any legal battle or is called upon to pay any kind of compensation due to the violation of the visitor’s and user’s obligations provided for in these terms, the visitor and user will have to compensate our company accordingly.

The use of our website is exclusively at the initiative of the visitors and users, with their own logistical means and they themselves must protect their equipment from viruses, external threats and attacks, as well as from any malicious software.

We have taken all the necessary and possible measures for the security and protection of our own website, as these are imposed by commercial practice, we upgrade our protection systems and have anti-virus programs. However, under no circumstances can we guarantee the secure connection of visitors and users to our website and the absence of viruses, and we are not responsible in the event of damage to their equipment, software, files or other damage caused by a virus or other malware.

Routing to third-party pages

Through our website, our visitors may be given the possibility through special links to visit other websites of third parties, the content of which is formed under the sole responsibility of these persons. Our company bears absolutely no responsibility for the correctness, accuracy, completeness and legality of the information provided through these websites and cannot guarantee the truth and legality of this information. Our company is not responsible for errors or malfunctions of third-party websites, as well as for any damage to visitors-users from accessing and using the information, services and products provided through them.


The content of our website (name, trademark, logos, information material of any kind, texts, images, data, software, graphics, etc.) is the property of our company or its respective successor, which property is protected by the rules of the Greek and EU legislation. It is expressly prohibited to publish, copy, sell, delete, modify, alter, transmit, present, reproduce, transfer, distribute or otherwise exploit, in whole or in part, the content of the website in any way or by any means for commercial or other purposes from whoever it comes from, without the prior written permission of our company or its respective successor.

Applicable law

The competent courts for the interpretation of these Terms and for the resolution of any disputes regarding them are the Courts of Athens.


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